Campaign Script

This guide provides an overview of how to create a versatile and effective campaign script within the Voxia platform. Tailor the conversation flow to meet the unique needs of your campaign, whether it's for inbound or outbound calls.

Understanding the Script Creation Process

Creating a campaign script involves setting up a series of decision points and responses that guide the conversation with your clients.

Steps to Create Your Script

Initiate with the Intro Script

  • Inbound Calls: As a suggestion, you might begin your script with an introductory script node where you confirm the client's identity by asking for their name and inquiring about their well-being. However, feel free to adjust this approach based on your specific needs.

  • Outbound Calls: As a suggestion, start by confirming the client’s identity and then proceed with the planned interaction. This is just a guideline, and you can tailor it as required.

Branching the Conversation

  • After the initial engagement, introduce a question to guide the conversation. Based on the client's response, you can expand the script:

    • Click the + button next to the current node.

    • Select Add Subflow to create a new branch.

    • In the new node, label it with a title that represents the client’s latest response which guides the agent to this node. Alternatively, you can simply give a title to this node based on its content.

Note: If no decision split is required, you can continue the script in the same node.

Customize Node Content

  • Customize the dialogue and the questions in each node according to the campaign goals. Refer to the Customize Steps page for more details.

Note: Each node must contain at least one step.

Directing Flow Between Nodes

  • To lead the script from a subflow back to a specific node or to continue the script from a particular point:

    • Click the + button next to the node from which you want to continue.

    • Select Go to Block.

    • Choose the destination node. Optionally, you can set a title to specify if the script should lead to this node based on client’s latest response.

Note: You can add as many subflows as needed to accommodate various branches of the conversation.

Generating Interest Criteria

After completing the script, click the Generate Interest Criteria button located in the top left corner to define the conditions under which a call can be considered Interested.

Validate the Flow

  • Ensure all node links are correctly made to prevent any dead ends or loops in the conversation.

  • Preview and test the campaign. Conduct test calls to check the flow and make necessary adjustments.

Last updated