Managing Subaccounts

Subaccounts allow organizations to manage multiple accounts under one main account, streamlining administration and ensuring centralized control.

Creating a Subaccount

  1. Access Settings: Navigate to the left side bar and click on Settings.

  2. Enable Subaccounts: At the top right, press on the Subaccounts option.

  3. Create Subaccount: Click on Create subaccount, and enter a name for the subaccount and click on Create.

Switching Between Subaccounts

Once you have created your subaccount, you can switch between your main account and any subaccount easily:

  • Through Settings: Go to Settings and press the Subaccounts option.

  • Using the Organization Dropdown:

    • Click the arrow down next to your organization's name at the top left.

    • Select the subaccount you wish to access from the dropdown menu.

Inviting Members to a Subaccount

After entering your subaccount:

  1. Navigate to Members: Go to Settings and locate the Members section.

  2. Send Invitations:

    • Enter the email addresses of the individuals you want to invite.

    • Click on Invite. An invitation will be sent to them to join the new subaccount.

Managing Member Permissions

To adjust permissions for any member within the subaccount:

  • Click on the arrow down next to the member’s email in the Members section.

  • Select the desired permission level: Admin or ReadOnly.

Last updated