Key Questions

By adding Key Questions to your script steps, you create a handy reference for quick analysis and data retrieval.

Adding Key Questions

  • Navigate to the script where you want to add Key Questions.

  • Find the step number located on the left side of the step you want to summarize.

  • Click on the step number. This action will reveal the 'Add Title' button above the step.

  • Press the 'Add Title' button to create a field for your Key Question.

  • In the provided field, enter the title that describes the of the step. For instance, if the step asks "What is your budget for this project?", you might title this Key Question "Budget."

You can add multiple titles to each step by repeating the above process.

Removing Key Question Titles

To delete a title, hover over the title and click on the remove icon that appears on the right side of it.

Key Questions in Summaries

  • Once added, these titles will be displayed in the 'Interested' contact summary section.

  • For Webhooks, the summary will be structured as follows:

"summary": {
  "Budget": "$3500",
  "Timeline": "Q4 2024",
  "Decision Maker": "Yes",
  "Priority Level": "High",
  "Service Interest": "Premium Package"

Last updated