Generate API Key

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to generate an API key. Follow these steps to create and access your API key:

  • Log in to your account.

  • On the left sidebar of the dashboard, locate and click on the API Keys tab. This will take you to the section where you can manage all your API keys.

  • Click on the Add API Key button located at the top right corner of the API Keys page. A dialog box will appear prompting you to name your new API key.

  • Enter a name for your API key, and click on Create to generate the API key.

View and Use Your New API Key

Once your API key is successfully created, it will appear in the list of API keys.

  • Click on Show API Key next to the API key you just created. This will display your API key.

  • Click the Copy button on the right side of the displayed API key to copy it to your clipboard.

You can now use this API key to authenticate API requests according to the needs of your application.

Remember, your API key is a secret - keep it secure!

Last updated