Reporting Issues

If you ever run into any problems during your calls, we want to hear about it. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us identify and address issues, ensuring that your experience with our service is smooth and productive. Follow the steps below to let us know, so we can continue to enhance Voxia for all users.

Step-by-Step Guide to Reporting Call Issues

  • Click on the relevant contact with the call issue.

  • Within the contact window, select "Call Attempts".

  • Choose the call where you encountered the issue.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the call transcript and click on the "Report" button.

  • In the report options, select all categories that apply to the issue. If your issue isn't listed, choose "Other". If "Other" is selected, a text box will appear for you to provide a detailed description of the issue.

  • After detailing the issue and selecting the applicable categories, click "Send report" to submit.

Be assured, Voxia will thoroughly investigate the reported issue to help us enhance our services.

Last updated