Customizing Steps

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to personalize the dialogue and questions in each node of your campaign script within the Voxia platform.

  • Add Call Steps: Click the New Step button to begin adding steps that the assistant will follow during the call.

  • Schedule Meetings:

    • Press the Schedule a Meeting button.

    • For scheduling, connect to through the integrations tab.

    • Before offering time slots from your account, decide on the content for the assistant to say.

    • Choose the relevant event from the dropdown.

    • Define how many days in advance clients can schedule meetings by setting the Schedule days ahead field.

    • For scenarios when no time slots are available, configure how the assistant should react:

      • Avoid Calling: Select this option to prevent the assistant from making calls when no slots are available.

      • Use Fallback Phrase: Choose this option to have the assistant use a fallback phrase. Upon selection, a text field will open where you can insert the specific sentence the assistant should say.

Note that to add this step, you need to have an Email for each contact.

  • Call Forwarding:

    • Press the Call Transfer button.

    • Enter a Call Transfer Phrase in the provided text field. This phrase will be spoken by the assistant before the call is transferred.

    • Specify the phone number to which the call will be transferred. Ensure to include the country code.

    • Choose whether the Caller ID for the forwarded call will be the campaign's number or the contact's number.

  • Setup SMS:

    • Press the SMS button.

    • Add a phrase for the assistant to say before sending an SMS and set the content of the SMS in the SMS Template.

Editing Steps

  • Reorder Steps: Long press and drag a step number to change the order.

  • Step Options: To manage the content of a step, click the ••• next to the step. You can:

    • Play: Hear how the sentence will be said.

    • Rephrase: Generate a new version of the sentence

    • Delete Step: Remove the step from the script.

Call Script Variables

  • Add Variables: Click the icon next to the last variable under each step to open the variable entry window.

  • Enter and Save Variables: In the window that opens, enter the variables you need and press enter after each one to confirm. Once you have finished adding all the variables, click the Save button to apply the changes.

Variables need to be added through uploading contacts. See API documentation and uploading contacts pages for more details.

Last updated